Friday, September 18, 2009

Stretch Marks

Howdy! Those of you who have been or are pregnant know that stretch marks can be a much undesired side effect.

Stretch Marks occur when the skin is stretched beyond its elasticity. The upper layer stretches and the lower layer of skin tends to tear, causing small rips in the tissue. This results in some red marks that feel different from the regular texture of your skin. These will fade to white after your pregnancy, but this can take time. While some women feel uncomfortable with the appearance of stretch marks, it might help them to know that, in some cultures, stretch marks are seen as an outward sign of the noble and brave status of motherhood.

Preventing Stretch Marks

Although it is believed that stretch marks are a genetic predisposition, there are things you can do to try and prevent them.

It’s important to only use organic skin products while pregnant. Most chemicals are not proven safe for your unborn baby and its best to just avoid them. Going organic will give you peace of mind and you’ll be able to treat your skin without fear of affecting the child inside.

What to Look for in Stretch Mark Prevention Treatments

Certain organic products work better than others against stretch marks. Basically, you want to moisturize your skin and enhance the elasticity. A good prevention cream will also provide some healing power to help any existing tears in the skin heal faster, without getting worse. This is particularly helpful if you are starting treatment later in the pregnancy.

Organic stretch mark creams usually use one or more of the following ingredients:

Shea Butter: By far the most common ingredient used in stretch mark prevention since is one of the best natural moisturizers on the market. It also has healing properties to help with any existing stretch marks.

Coconut Oil: Avery good moisturizing oil that also enhances elasticity and hastens healing of existing problems.

Olive Oil: Another good moisturizer that helps boost elasticity and soften skin, making it more supple and resistant to tearing.

Any organic skin product designed to treat and prevent stretch marks should include one of the above ingredients for maximum benefit. Often they will have other natural ingredients, as well, to promote healing and enhance the moisturizing effect.

Let me know if you have any questions about this. And of course, let us know what remedies you've tried and used with success! xoxo

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