Monday, September 14, 2009

How to Deal with a Vaginal Yeast Infection

Hi there! I hope you're all enjoying this week so far. I know I am!

Many of you have probably had a vaginal yeast infection at one time or another during your life. It's not uncommon to have a certain amount of yeast in your vagina, as well as in your intestinal tract. Yeast only becomes a problem when it grows so fast that it overwhelms other competing microorganisms.

As you probably know, it's fairly common to get one while you're pregnant because your higher level of estrogen causes your vagina to produce more glycogen, making it even easier for yeast to grow there. Some researchers think estrogen may also have a direct effect on yeast, causing it to grow faster and stick more easily to the walls of the vagina.

Symptoms from yeast infections tend to hang around until you treat the infection, although sometimes they come and go of their own volition. Symptoms may include:
  • Itchiness, irritation, soreness, burning, and redness in your vagina and labia (and sometimes swelling)
  • An odorless vaginal discharge that's often white, creamy, or cottage-cheesy
  • Discomfort or pain during sex
  • Burning when you urinate (when the urine hits your already irritated genitals)

These are the treatments for vaginal yeast infections that we have found to be most effective.

Early treatment is ideal
If a woman can pay attention to the first tickling of the yeast infection, she can use one of the following treatments to resolve the infection:

Take a clove of fresh garlic and peel off the natural white paper shell that covers it, leaving the clove intact. Be careful not to nick the clove at all. At bedtime wrap the clove in a piece of gauze, lubricate with olive oil and insert into the vagina. In the morning, remove the garlic clove and throw it in the toilet. The garlic often causes the vagina to have a watery discharge. One night's treatment may be enough to kill the infection, or it might have to be repeated the next night. Continue one or two days until all itchiness is gone.

Sitz Bath
Use a sitz bath with apple cider vinegar added 2-3 x day. You can also use a peri-bottle with a table spoon of vinegar added to gently douche.

Get a good quality pro-biotic and take both orally and insert capsule into vagina 2 x day

Gentian Violet
If all else fails you can try gentian violet, which is a tincture that will stain everything purple, so be careful! Coat a tampon with gentian violet and insert overnight. You may also paint the outside of your vagina with gentian violet, but again, be prepared for a mess! Only use this method one time per week!

Make sure you change your diet to eliminate all refined sugar, white flour products and juice. Cut back on fruit as well.

Over the Counter
Products such as Monistat and Vagistat are very effective at treating Yeast Infections. You can purchase them in 1, 3 or 7 day treatments. They range in price from $15 to $20 per package.

Hope this helps. And let us know what's worked for you!


  1. Great post and fantastic advice, as usual, Paula!

  2. thanks for the great advice Paula! I have found that inserting garlic has worked every time (well, for the 2 that I can remember having). I notice that you mention to make sure the garlic has no nicks - is this because the oils from the garlic can be irritating? I've intentionally nicked the garlic to help encourage the oils to seep out, thinking that it would make it more potent and effective. But, if I should stop doing that because it's too strong, let me know! I certainly wouldn't want to be doing any harm. thanks so much!

  3. If what you are doing has worked well for you, I wouldn't change it. There really shouldn't be any harm as this is an all-natural cure without any known ill side-effects. Some women could potentially find the direct contact of the oil irritating, but others, as in your case, will just get more potency.

  4. I'm afraid this advice is completely wrong. The sad part is that this is the advice that is always given. I've had cronic yeast infection for 2,5 years. I've bee only eating fruit for 3 months and I'm getting better, the only times I react is when I eat fat.I've lost bad weight, my skin is brighter and not dry, I'm not depressed anymore and feeling so happy, but my mental health turns into a mess when I give into foodcravings for pizza or hamburger. I get so depressed and irritated it's difficult to get through the day.

    Please read up on the fruit diet/ no fat for candida. The pH value of the body is essensial, but as I found out, sugar is NOT the problem, but fat is.
